I Lost My Mind Painting Radagon | Elden Ring

Take Breaks!! So many times I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of slowly hating what I’m creating as I’m doing it. It’s a very common thing amongst folks in creative projects and the best way to curb that. is by taking adewuate breaks, drinking water and going outside. Don’t be like me whereby hour 7 comes and goes and you’re sat there re-doing everything you’ve just done.... Print your own Radagon: This page has allowed me to share my journey with learning to 3D print and paint models from my favourite games, so I wanted to share the process with all of you! From painting and collecting all the models from the Dark Souls Boardgame, the Bloodborne Boardgame and also printing dozens of Elden Ring Characters, Dark Souls Figures, Bloodborne Models, Sekiro Statues and also Fromsoftware Dioramas, I’m trying to improve my painting skills with every video and I’d love for you to join! And with eve
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