Mantras for Deep Inner Peace | 8 Powerful Mantras

Mantras for Deep Inner Peace. These 8 Powerful Mantras can help immensely in calming the mind. 1. OM SHANTI OM 2. ANTARJAMI PURAKH BIDATE 3. SARVESHAM SVASTIR BHAVATU 4. TAN MAN SHAANT 5. LOKAH SAMASTAHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU 6. GAYATRI MANTRA 7. ASATOMA SADGAMAYA 8. SHANTI MANTRA (Also called Shanti Paath) Detailed Description About Each Mantra is Below Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness THANK YOU. We thank you from bottom of our hearts for making Meditative Mind one of the best resource of Meditation Music, Relaxing Music, Chakra Meditations and Solfeggio Frequency Music, Healing Music and Chants, Mantra Meditations and Sleep Music on Youtube. Thanks a ton for all the love, blessings and support. ♡ ♡ ♡ ASK US ANYTHING. If you have any questions regarding Mantras or Chakras or Meditation and Healing in General, You can ask us in the comments below. We would also love to hear about the feedback and suggestions, please dont hesitate to let us know. Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness NEW CD-ALBUM: “Mantras for Deep Inner Peace“ is now available for sale on ITUNES : ►For more Solfeggio Frequency Music, Guided Meditations, chakra meditation, mantra chanting and meditation music please subscribe our channel: ►Meditative Mind website: ►Meditative Mind music: BEST OF MEDITATIVE MIND MUSIC AND CHANTS COLLECTION ☯Mantra Chanting Meditation Music - Playlist ☯30 Days of Chants - Playlist ☯Chakra Healing Meditations - Playlist ☯Gurbani Meditation Music - Playlist ☯Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras - Playlist ☯Healing Frequencies Music - Playlist ⚛ OM SHANTI OM ⚛ Om Shanti Om is an ancient Vedic Mantra. Om is the sound of universe, the primordial sound. Shanti means peace in Sanskrit. As we meditate on this Mantra, we are wishing and spreading peace for all human kinds, all the living and non living beings, and spreading peace in entire universe. ⚛ ANTARJAMI PURAKH BIDATE ⚛ Anṯarjāmī purakẖ biḏẖāṯe sarḏẖā man kī pūre. Nānak ḏās ihai sukẖ māgai mo ka▫o kar sanṯan kī ḏẖūre. ~ O Inner-knower, Searcher of Hearts, O Primal Being, Architect of Destiny: please fulfill this yearning of my mind. Nanak, Your slave, begs for this happiness: let me be the dust of the feet of the Saints. ⚛ SARVESHAM SVASTIR BHAVATU ⚛ Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Purnam-Bhavatu | Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu | Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaanti || ~ May there be Well-Being in All, May there be Peace in All, May there be Fulfilment in All, May there be Auspiciousness in All, Om Peace, Peace, Peace. ⚛ TAN MAN SHAANT ⚛ Ŧan man shāʼnṯ hoi aḏẖikāī rog kātai sūkẖ savījai. ~ My mind and body are calm and tranquil; the disease has been cured, and now I sleep in peace. ⚛ LOKAH SAMASTAHA SUKHINO BHAVANTU ⚛ lokah: location, realm, all universes existing now samastah: all beings sharing that same location sukhino: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence antu: may it be so, it must be so (antu used as an ending here transforms this mantra into a powerful pledge) ⚛ GAYATRI MANTRA ⚛ Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat ~ We meditate on the glory of the Creator; Who has created the Universe; Who is worthy of Worship; Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light; Who is the remover of Sin and Ignorance; May He open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect. ⚛ ASATOMA SADGAMAYA ⚛ Om Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya Om Shanti Shanti Shanti ~ Lead me from the unreal to the real Lead from the darkness to the light ( Lead me from fear of death to immortality of soul (gained by the Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death ) Let there be peace peace and peacefulness all around us. ⚛ SHANTI MANTRA ⚛ Aum dyauḥ śāntirantarikṣaṁ śāntiḥ pṛthivī śāntirāpaḥ śāntiroṣadhayaḥ śāntiḥ vanaspatayaḥ śāntirviśvedevāḥ śāntirbrahma śāntiḥ sarvaṁ śāntiḥ śāntireva śāntiḥ sā mā śāntiredhi Aum śāntiḥ, śāntiḥ, śāntiḥ Sung, composed and produced by @Dilpreet Bhatia ⓒ ℗ 2015 @Meditative Mind ®. All Rights Reserved. #MeditativeMind #InnerPeace #Mantras
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