【しいたけ&あられ】夜に駆ける【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38243442

Shiitake mushrooms Master and pupil video 2nd ~ I tried to project it fashionably and dance! ~ How about a combination of shiitake mushrooms and hail teachers? Shiitake “This time, I’m shooting with video!“ Hailstone“···(???)“ Projector switch on Hail “... (!?!? Amazing !! Like a movie theater)“ Shiitake “Now, let’s start shooting!“ Hail “... (I’ll do my best! Will you show me the movie when it’s over? I’m excited ♪“ 楽曲ご本家様→sm35979548 振付ご本家様→sm37056645 撮影→∠コミ どうもありがとうございました! Dance: しいたけ ついった→ ニコニコ→ あられ ついった→ 他動画サイトへの転載はご遠慮下さい... 前作→KING sm38225013 しいたけ 02/08/2021 20:00 Views 1,630
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