Fedora Barbieri - Nacqui all’affano... Non più mesta - 1949 - FILM

(This video is uploaded for educational purposes and is not monetized.) In true Italian form, everyone here is lip synching to a pre-recorded soundtrack. But annoyingly our Cenerentola is being sung by Fedora Barbieri but acted by Lori Landi. While this isn’t the first recording of the aria (that’d be Eugenia Mantelli: this film’s soundtrack was the first “complete“ recording of the opera—judiciously cut, of course. ..................................... This channel is primarily about vocal emission—aural examples of basically correct singing, correct impostazione—chiaroscuro, vowel clarity, firm and centered pitch, correct vibrato action, absence of throatiness or thickness, sounds free from constriction and from the acoustic noise that accompanies it—with occasional video examples that demonstrate what the body, face, mouth, jaw, and tongue look like when used with correct impostazione—the vocal emission of the one and
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