LIVE: [After School Club] If you miss this week’s episode, ‘Bad News’ for you. #KISSOFLIFE

Free and powerful! The monster rookies that dominate the stage, KISS OF LIFE! KISS OF LIFE is coming to ASC with their second mini-album [Born to be XX]. Far apart, but together in heart! We’ve got a lot of prizes ready for those who participate on After School Club, so if you want to make some special memories, don’t hesitate! 자유롭고 강렬하게! 무대를 휘젓는 괴물 신인, KISS OF LIFE! 두 번째 미니 앨범 [Born to be XX]로 컴백한 KISS OF LIFE가 ASC를 찾아옵니다. 서로 다른 공간에 있지만 공감대는 하나! 참여해 주시는 분들을 위해 ‘After School Club’이 마련한
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