20 MIN ABS + WEIGHTS I 360° Solution, everything you need for a 6-pack - Lower, Upper + Side Abs
Abs = muscles that want to GROW to be visible ♥︎ This video is heavy, intense & your 1-stop-shop for training every inch of your core / Werbung
I use a 4kg & 8kg weight. You can substitute that for a heavy book & a bag packed with heavy stuff (stones lol).
This video combines EVERYTHING you need. Lower abs (very heavy with the dumbbell between the feet), Upper Abs, Sides, Waist & some HIIT to burn extra calories.
Bodyweight vs. Weights:
▸ I love & do both. I think the combination of both gives the best results!
▸ You can grow stronger and bigger muscles with Weight Training. You basically handle more weight during the exercise, than you usually carry around on your body all day. That’s why your body needs to adapt and create „extra“ muscle fibers, that you usually don’t need. If you stop seeing progress with bodyweight training, you should consider getting some dumbbells.
▸ Those exercises also ask for a lot of stability, making sure we train our entire torso, waist, back & arms.
The Burn?
Weight exercises usually don’t burn so much for me. I like to combine them with bodyweight movements so I can really target the little muscles, exhaust them and train them in all ways.
➞ my Pam App ♥︎ Free workout plans (11 versions, different fitness levels), lot of recipes & tips:
▸ 2 of those FREE WORKOUT PLANS are on my Instagram Channel.
Lose Weight & Focus on a Bubble Butt. Check out the Highlight “Workout Plans“ for that.
➞ Instagram
➞ Food Account
▸ Use the hashtag #PamelaReif if you want to share your transformation or training on Instagram :) I always check the posts!
▸ You can always find ALL SONGS in my workout playlist. I update it weekly & it’s available on Spotify, Apple Music, etc. ♥︎
1. SVEA, Cloudy June - Breakfast Club
2. Ella Henderson, Switch Disco, Alok - Under The Sun
3. Charli xcx - Talk talk
4. Enisa - La dadi
5. Paradigm, Niklas Dee, Mike Williams - Surreal (feat. myne)
6. Kehlani - After Hours
7. Loi - The Way I Want It
8. Peter Fox, BENSH - Blackbirds BLN
9. Balu Brigada - So Cold
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unterstützt durch Warner Music Germany
When joining me for this workout video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety is the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Pamela Reif will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
4 days ago 00:05:17 1
Потрясающий мясной рулет! Два вида мяса, со вкусом домашней колбасы! Для праздничного стола!
1 week ago 00:06:04 2
Специально к чаепитию для наших дам. Воздушный рулет с очень вкусным кремом. Brazo gitano con crema
2 weeks ago 00:00:20 1
Ароматные свежайшие булочки за 20 мин, отличный вариант выпечки к чаю! #булочкисмаком #выпечка
2 weeks ago 00:02:25 1
Шикарные МЯСНЫЕ ПАЛЬЧИКИ из ГОВЯДИНЫ в томатном соусе
3 weeks ago 00:03:51 1
Пирожки-рулетики с мясом и рисом! Самое простое тесто без дрожжей для пирожков ! Супер рецепт!