Logistics units of the West group of troops provide military personnel with everything they need

Logistics units of the West group of troops provide military personnel with everything they need In the zone of a special military operation, the logistics units of the West group of troops daily organize comprehensive support for combat units performing combat missions. In rear areas, underground mobile kitchens and canteens have been deployed to provide military units with three hot meals a day. Field kitchens allow you to prepare a full three-course meal. Specialists display culinary skills in preparing a wide variety of hot dishes and cold appetizers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Salads are prepared from fresh vegetables; the menu also includes homemade porridge, fruits and pastries. In addition, in the places of deployment of formations and military units of the association, underground full-fledged baths have been organized for washing personnel. In their free time, every serviceman can go in for sports in a special room, which is equipped with the necessary sports equipment... Source: Military Wave
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