1 Kafka Introduction\
0:00 Welcome!
2:20 Apache Kafka in 5 minutes
7:40 Course Objectives
9:28 Important Message
4 Kafka Theory\
9:52 Kafka Theory Overview
10:21 Topics, Partitions and Offsets
17:09 Brokers and Topics
20:29 Topic Replication
24:41 Producers and Message Keys
30:06 Consumers & Consumer Groups
34:43 Consumer Offsets & Delivery Semantics
39:23 Kafka Broker Discovery
41:47 Zookeeper
44:29 Kafka Guarantees
45:38 Theory Roundup
5 Starting Kafka\
47:37 Important_ Starting Kafka
48:01 Mac OS X - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH
52:46 Mac OS X - Using brew
54:15 Mac OS X - Start Zookeeper and Kafka
59:53 Linux - Download and Setup Kafka in PATH
1:05:28 Linux - Start Zookeeper and Kafka
1:10:24 Windows - Download Kafka and PATH Setup
1:18:37 Windows - Start Zookeeper & Kafka
6 CLI (Command Line Interface) 101\
1:23:37 CLI Introduction
1:24:00 Kafka Topics CLI
1:31:33 Kafka Console Producer CLI
1:38:42 Kafka Console Consumer CLI
1:42:03 Kafka Consumers in Group
1:48:32 Kafka Consumer Groups CLI
1:52:46 Resetting Offsets
1:56:54 Conduktor - Demo
7 Kafka Java Programming 101\
2:02:57 Intro to Kafka Programming
2:03:22 Creating Kafka Project
2:09:47 Java Producer
2:20:36 Java Producer Callbacks
2:27:28 Java Producer with Keys
2:33:36 Java Consumer
2:45:26 Java Consumer inside Consumer Group
2:51:55 Java Consumer Seek and Assign
2:56:18 Client Bi-Directional Compatibility
8 ===== Kafka Real World Project =====\
2:57:35 Real World Project Overview
9 Kafka Twitter Producer & Advanced Configurations\
2:58:21 Producer and Advanced Configurations Overview
2:58:49 Twitter Setup
3:03:33 Producer Part 1 - Writing Twitter Client
3:13:47 Producer Part 2 - Writing the Kafka Producer
3:21:33 Producer Configurations Introduction
3:22:22 acks &
3:28:38 retries, &
3:33:24 Idempotent Producer
3:37:53 Producer Part 3 - Safe Producer
3:43:09 Producer Compression
3:47:53 Producer Batching
3:52:45 Producer Part 4 - High Throughput Producer
3:55:52 Producer Default Partitions and Key Hashing
3:58:17 [Advanced] and
4:00:47 Refactoring the Project
10 Kafka ElasticSearch Consumer & Advanced Configurations\
4:03:52 Consumer and Advanced Configuration Overview
4:04:19 Setting up ElasticSearch in the Cloud
4:07:32 ElasticSearch 101
4:13:20 Consumer Part 1 - Setup Project
4:21:43 Consumer Part 2 - Write the Consumer & Send to ElasticSearch
4:28:04 Delivery Semantics for Consumers
4:32:16 Consumer Part 3 - Idempotence
4:40:01 Consumer Poll Behaviour
4:42:59 Consumer Offset Commit Strategies
4:45:44 Consumer Part 4 - Manual Commit of Offsets
4:50:23 Consumer Part 5 - Performance Improvement using Batching
4:56:03 Consumer Offsets Reset Behaviour
4:58:10 Consumer Part 6 - Replaying Data
5:00:08 Consumer Internal Threads
11 ===== Kafka Ecosystem & Real-World Architectures =====\
5:03:10 Kafka in the Real World
12 Kafka Extended APIs for Developers\
5:03:57 Kafka Connect Introduction
5:08:45 Kafka Connect Twitter Hands-On
5:16:52 Kafka Streams Introduction
5:20:13 Kafka Streams Hands-On
5:32:11 Kafka Schema Registry Introduction
13 Real World Insights and Case Studies (Big Data _ Fast Data)\
5:36:53 Choosing Partition Count & Replication Factor
5:45:29 Case Study - MovieFlix
5:50:38 Case Study - GetTaxi
5:54:57 Case Study - MySocialMedia
6:00:29 Case Study - MyBank
6:04:11 Case Study - Big Data Ingestion
6:06:00 Case Study - Logging and Metrics Aggregation
14 Kafka in the Enterprise for Admins\
6:07:59 Kafka Cluster Setup High Level Architecture Overview
6:10:42 Kafka Monitoring & Operations
6:13:41 Kafka Security
6:18:43 Kafka Multi Cluster & MirrorMaker
16 Advanced Topics Configurations\
6:25:31 Changing a Topic Configuration
6:30:14 Segment and Indexes
6:35:25 Log Cleanup Policies
6:37:56 Log Cleanup Delete
6:40:03 Log Compaction Theory
6:46:08 Log Compaction Practice
6:53:10 reminder
6:56:14 Unclean Leader Election
17 ===== Annexes =====\
6:57:32 What are annexes_
18 Annex - Starting Kafka Differently\
6:58:05 Annex 1 - Overview
6:58:39 Starting Kafka with the Confluent CLI
7:01:39 Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Binaries
7:08:12 Start Kafka Development environment using Docker
7:12:32 Starting a multi broker Kafka Cluster using Docker
7:15:27 Kafka Advertised Host Setting
7:18:52 Starting Kafka on a Remote Machine
19 ===== Next Steps =====\
7:24:35 What’s Next_
7:25:58 THANK YOU!