Although I have a dirty “harbor fish” reputation, the mullet you buy from your fishmonger comes from offshore fisheries. The name of this fish came to us from warm Greece. “Mullet“ from the Greek “cephalus“ means “head“. Because of this, the people who live near the Black Sea awarded her with such names as “head“ or “loban“. The mullet is a small fish belonging to the Mugilidal family. Its habitat is mainly in the salty waters of the seas of the tropics. It is found in America, Australia, New Zealand, and Madagascar. Also, 4 types of such fish are found in the Black and Azov Seas: sigil, sharp nose, Black Sea loban and pilengas. Mullet is prepared by various methods of heat treatment. Popular dishes: smoked, baked in the oven, and dried fish, as well as soups. A delicious recipe for smoked mullet is prepared by the cold or hot method in a smokehouse using spices and herbs. The recipe for hot-smoked mullet is particularly popular because the dish is no
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