FREE Your Feet with 3 Powerful Stick Control Methods

Download the full notation PDF right here! No better way to apply what you’ve learned right now - It’s totally FREE. → KNOW WHAT TO PRACTICE! Make faster progress in less time - Structure your sessions and reach your goals with the FREE e-guide, “The 3-Part Daily Practice Routine.” If you’re afraid that you’ll never reach that true comfort level on the kit where you’ve fully freed your hands from your feet…this lesson is for you! We’re taking a simple method from the book “Stick Control” and using it to free your feet so that you can play intricate grooves with ease. Even if you’ve never heard of “Stick Control,“ no worries because I’ll provide you with everything you need to get started! We’re going to apply various sticking patterns to different limb combinations, which will free your feet and teach your limbs to smoothly execute more intricate patterns. This stuff is cool, so I hope you get a lot out of this and are able to take this straight to your practice room. If you practice everything I’m about to show you, your coordination will improve a TON! I’ve seen it in so many of my students and in my own personal practice. “IMPROVISE & Find Limb Freedom with ONE Rhythm” (The “Syncopation” coordination method) “Stick Control” book by George Lawrence Stone (affiliate) (This is an Amazon affiliate link, so I get a small kickback if you buy with this link. Thanks!) I believe that ANYONE can learn the drums, and I believe you’re far more capable of becoming a great drummer than you think you are. Don’t sell yourself short! SUBSCRIBE for more Non Glamorous videos that get straight to the point of solving drumming frustration. Stay Non Glamorous, Everyone! Check out for more content, including free e-guides designed to fast-track your drumming progress! Follow the Non Glamorous Drummer on Instagram!
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