This is Spinal Tap - The Sequel

Released at the height of hair metal, the original Spinal Tap cast an ironic gaze over the classic rock landscape to bring music fans a pastiche of rock stardom in all its lycra-glad glory. Indeed, Rob Reiner’s artful portrayal of the fictional rock group proved to be so true to life that many walked away believing that Spinal Tap were, in fact, a real British rock band. Speaking about the original project, Reiner told Total Film: “Nobody told us to do anything [on the first film]. And that’s the thing that I’m worried about this next one. We hired this Marty DiBergi to come back and do this movie – he could cock it up!” The director also revealed that he’d been approached countless times over the years to make Spinal Tap II: “We’d always say, ‘No, no’,” he recalled. “Then we had an idea, and we said, ‘Well, maybe we could do it…’” The upcoming sequel sees Spinal Tap reunite for one last show as part of a contractual obligation following the death of their manager Ian Faith. The actor who played
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