Evocati’s Pledge

You can buy this track and more of my work here: Music and vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this is not a historically accurate reconstruction of actual Ancient Roman music, but rather modern music using Roman instruments and its modal framework. The Evocati were soldiers in the Roman army who had received their honorable discharge after completing their service, but enlisted once again at the request of an important general or politician. The Evocati enjoyed a a more prestigious status than most soldiers in the army as older, battle-hardened veterans who had returned to war, and were often equated in status with the equites class; many of them becoming centurions. The music uses the principal instrumental palette of Ancient Roman music: a lyre, an aulos and a pan flute. The percussions are more thematic and creative: I overlaid dozens of sounds of shields and spears being smashed together to exude a militaristic
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