The Subject in Lacan (4 of 4): gap, as failure.

There is, strictly speaking (and, paradoxically), no subject before its state of being barred or split. Of the multiple references that Lacan makes to the famous “I think therefore I am“ of Descartes, perhaps the most interesting, in the Seminar on The Logic of Fantasy, involves the surprisingly affirmation (in The Logic of Fantasy) of this credo as embodying precisely the impossible conjunction of thinking and being. We move on to discuss Zizek’s description of Lacan’s subject as that which ’names a gap in the real’ and whose ’status is real’, before noting how the apparent ’bad news’ (subject as incommensurability) is also the ’good news’ inasmuch as is the subject that grounds the ontological order and makes the relation between master signifiers and discourse work.
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