Development Seed’s Work Using Machine Learning to Detect Energy Infrastructure | Martha Morrissey

Presentation by Martha Morrissey, Development Seed | Many countries lack accurate country-wide maps of energy #infrastructure, which makes key decisions that impact #energyaccess more difficult. This project uses #satellite imagery to map high-voltage infrastructure with machine learning--which it can accomplish 33 times faster per square kilometer than previous methods. With a goal to generate country-wide high-voltage (HV) grid maps quickly and cost-effectively, this work aims to improve #data access that can inform improvements around energy access. 0:00 - 0:48 - Introduction 0:48 - 14:05 - Presentation 14:05 - end - Audience Q&A About the Presenter: Martha applies machine learning models to detect urban infrastructure like uncommon building types and energy grids faster and more efficiently. Martha is passionate about bringing open geospatial data to academics and innovators as a basis for addressing large-scale global issues. Martha previously worked at Maxar Technologies (formerly DigitalGlobe) where
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