Филиппинские Боевые Искусства: Рик Фей/Rick Faye Филиппинский бокс Panantukan vol.1

Это первая часть сборника семинаров ученика Дэна Иносанто Рика Фея.Предмет семинара - Филлипинский Бокс. Кратко для западных интересующихся любителей суть филлипинского бокса объясняют так-это грязный бокс,драка.Сам Рик преподает боевые единоборства около 30 лет. Далее даю список регалий: Martial arts instructorships/certifications * Sr. Full Instructorship, Filipino Martial Arts under Guro Dan Inosanto * Sr. Full Instructorship, Jun Fan Martial Arts under Guro Dan Inosanto * Fifth level instructorship, Maphilindo Silat under Guro Dan Inosanto * Full Instructor & Regional Director, Thai Boxing Association: under Ajarn Chai Sirisute * Full Instructor, Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Paul Vunak * Instructor: Wing Chun under Sifu Bob Larson (other sources: Dan Inosanto, Nino Bernardo) * Instructor, Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do under the late Sifu Larry Hartsell * Instructor, Combat Submission Wrestling under Sensei Erik Paulson * Student, blue belt under Professor John Machado Law enforcement specific certifications * Certified Physical Control Tactics Instructor - (Lifetime) Alexandria Technical College * . Board Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor * Instructor - . . Special tactics * Instructor - Minneapolis Police Gas Team * Instructor/Curriculum Consultant: Ontario Police College. Ontario, Canada Agencies training with Rick Faye/Minnesota Kali Group * Federal Parole officers * Hennepin County Sherriffs Department * Washington County Sherriffs Department * ./Mpls. Police Joint Fugitive Task Force * Other Local Police Departments * Other Local Corrections facilities * Other Assorted Security and Law Enforcement concerns
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