How to make fancy peyote square with Swarovski crystal square ring and glass seed beads

Through this beading tutorial I am showing you how to create gorgeous beaded fancy square. Materials needed for this project: *20x20mm Swarovski crystal Bermuda blue faceted square ring, fancy stone. *Size 12 Beading Needle. *2 yards 6lb Fire Line or Nylon beading thread in blue color size D. *Delica Seed Beads size 11/0 1. Silver lined opaque dark navy blue. 2. Silver lined translucent avocado 3. Silver lined zircon blue. 4. Silver lined dark topaz. 5. Luminous neon teal blue. 6. Silver lined smoke topaz. 7. Silver lined smoke. Step 1. Start with sixty-four dark navy seed beads and form a Step 2. Work 1 round of peyote around the ring with avocado beads. Step 3. Start to decrease the width of a piece. Every eight stitch make the decrease (stitch without the bead)... Step 4-5. Work the decreases at the corners of the beadwork. Step 6. Secure the thread tale at the other end of the beadwork and work one round of peyote. Step 7-9. Work one round of peyote around the beadwork. Step 10. Put the 20x20mm crystal square bead on the beadwork and start to work at the corners the decreases. Step 11-14. Work the decreases at the corners of the beadwork... Combining these fancy squares you can make gorgeous beaded bracelet or necklace. Fancy Squares Bracelet beading pattern is available on my website
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