Rosa Sanchez Duo - Sonamos Latinoamérica Bélgica (Live at Muziekpublique)

Born in San Jose, Costa Rica, Rosa Sánchez has spent many years travelling the Latin American continent with her guitar on her back. With her guitar, her impressive voice and above all her joy in playing, she learned and discovered the music of the various countries through which she travelled. When she moved to Mexico, she discovered the “Son Jarocho” and Mexican music, a musical genre that she is particularly interested in and continues to explore. As a singer and composer of folk music, her performances take her on a journey through the various Latin American traditions, reflecting the great diversity of repertoires that range from the most intimate and poetic songs to festive dance rhythms. All of this with a voice of great presence, with a husky tone and a power that evokes the great Mercedes Sosa, one of her great references for many listeners. Rosa Sánchez Molina: vocals, jarana, percussion Hector Serrano Miret: guitar, vocals Lights: Erik Janssens Sound: Jonathan Vannest
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