Lucy Morgan Edwards - Afghanistan in turmoil, the role of MI6 and CIA past and present

I interview Dr Lucy Morgan Edwards about the recent events in Afghanistan, the reality of life under the Taliban and why the NATO aggression post 9/11 should never have happened but US, UK intelligence agencies ensured it stayed on track despite political resolution being an option. Lucy Morgan Edwards worked in Afghanistan for 7 years.[3] She arrived in Kandahar under a fatwa at the height of the Taliban regime to work for the UN, living within meters of Mullah Omar’s compound. After 9/11 she experienced the western military intervention as an election monitor, a journalist and Political Adviser to the EU Ambassador in Kabul. She spent months living in Jalalabad with a tribal family and this formed the basis of an investigation which led to ‘The Afghan Solution’ (from Wikispooks) Lucy’s book:
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