Godot 4 - Every Variant

Автор - SDG Games ссылка - От автора: In this video, we take a look at every Variant in the Godot game engine. Variants are the foundation for all types in Godot, so starting here will prepare us for much more complex topics in the future. In other words, I try out the Variant, AABB, Array, Basis, bool, Callable, Color, Dictionary, float, int, NodePath, Object, PackedByteArray, PackedColorArray, PackedFloat32Array, PackedFloat64Array, PackedInt32Array, PackedInt64Array, PackedStringArray, PackedVector2Array, PackedVector3Array, Plane, Projection, Quaternion, Rect2, Rect2i, RID, Signal, String, StringName, Transform2D, Transform3D, Vector2, Vector2i, Vector3, Vector3i, Vector4, and Vector4i. Source Code:
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