Munters solutions in Onur pullet farm

The Onur pullet farm is located in Çorum, Turkey and is owned and operated by the Yürüyen and Öz families. The farm produces three million pullets per year. Even though the outside climate is not ideal for growing chickens, Munters was able to combine a system, using our product portfolio that can provide the ideal indoor climate to the chickens for all seasons of the year. A combination of exhaust fans, cooling pads, climate controller, wall and light inlets have been installed to assure the perfect climate inside the farm for a stable production, stress free birds, reduced mortality rates and improved feed conversion ratio. The house is fitted with 2 ventilation systems, one for summer and one for winter but during spring and fall a combination of the two systems is used to make a smooth transition. The heart of the system is the Farm premium controller that controls both systems and decides when to use what components in order to create the ideal indoor climate. The IW
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