How to make Crispy French Fries (New Recipe) ! Potato Rings ! Potato Recipes ! Snacks Recipe

How to make Crispy French Fries ! Potato Rings ! Potato Recipes ! Snacks Recipe ! ASMR ! Cooking Kun 바삭한 감자튀김 만들기 (새로운 레시피) ! 감자 링 ! 감자튀김 만들기 ! 아이들간식 ! 감자요리 ! Crispy French Fries Recipe : (레시피) - Potatoes 150g (감자 150g) - Rice flour 100g (쌀가루 100g) - Wheat flour 50g (밀가루 50g) - Butter 50g (버터 50g) - 1 egg (계란 1개) - Salt 1/3 teaspoon (소금 1/3작은술) - Pepper 1/4 teaspoon (후추 1/4작은술) - Chili powder 1/4 teaspoon (고추가루 1/4작은술) #asmr #cookingkun #korean
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