Yogin l| Jaya radha madhava l| MANTRA FESTIVAL l| LILA MUSIC

Jaya radha madhava song premiere ⠀ This song is like a sharp ax that cuts down the tree of sin, and a forest fire that burns all sins to the ground. She is like a radiant sun that dispels the darkness of sin. ⠀ The syllables of this mantra are the personification of Love - pure, like spring water, sublime like mountains, beautiful and indescribable like sunsets and sunrises, green forests, fragrant flowers, birdsong. __________________________________ Your creative and dynamic experts in organizing concerts, festivals, performances by artists, show business stars in events of any level and scale. Our company consists of bright, reliable, creative, talented people with invaluable and many years of experience, who have turned their hobby into a profession. We will create music clips for you, organize online concerts, compose soundtracks, arrangements, music mixing and exclusive promotion. We make sure that both
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