Moby ’Pale Horses’ Blip

Taken from the new album - Wait For Me (out 30th June) - Moby on ’Pale Horses’: “I know that no one apart from studio geeks want to hear about studio tricks, but one of my goals with this record was to make a lot of it sound older than it was. Not retro sounding or nostalgic sounding, but in a lot of newer recordings i find that everything’s really bright and I just wanted the vocals on this song to sound like conversational vocals. With Pale Horses, its my friend Amelia singing. More often than not, when I work with a singer, they come over, I play them the song once, I put a mic in their hand and have them do a rough version of it. Then they come back later and do a more polished version. 90% of the time I never even consider using the polished versions. So this is her holding a $70 microphone, no headphones, just singing it with me holding the lyrics in front of her pointing to the worlds. She didn’t know the song, so her performance ha
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