20 MIN Full Body Pilates Workout - No Equipment // Lean Body Routine // Sanne Vloet
20 MIN Full Body Pilates Workout - No Equipment // Tone Your Body From The Ground Up Strengthening & Lengthening Your Muscles // Sanne Vloet #WithMe #FitAtHome
Hi guys,
Do you like it when I lead the workouts or just normal workout videos?
Happy Friday! I’m thinking about becoming a certified pilates instructor, but I wanted to ask you guys what you thought about that? Do you like pilates workouts, do they help you strengthen those hard to reach muscles? For me I’ve always used pilates in my fitness routines to get ready for the Victoria’s Secret Show or to get in my fashion week prep before I ever walk on the runway.
I wanted to ask everyone here, what is going on in your country, hometown & city? I am in LA with Max & my friend Jason, but it’s starting to feel very different. We see a lot more people walking around the streets and the feeling of being outside has changed. I just hope we are all staying safe, taking care of ourselves, and protecti
2 weeks ago 00:03:51 1
Пирожки-рулетики с мясом и рисом! Самое простое тесто без дрожжей для пирожков ! Супер рецепт!