Father gorilla showing his son did my son react? / Shabani and Kiyomasa

On this day, there was a scene where Shabani showed his son Kiyomasa how to drum. Kiyomasa seemed a little bewildered by the suddenness of the scene, but then he drummed several times to the delight of the park visitors. #gorilla #shabani #kiyomasa #westernlowlandgorilla #Ape #silverback Shabani♂ Born October 20, 1996 Place of birth Appenhure Primate Park (Netherlands) Nene♀ Born in 1972 (estimated) Africa (wild) Ai ♀ Born February 27, 2003 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo Kiyomasa ♂ Born November 1, 2012 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo Annie ♀ June 2, 2013 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo
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