c 1922
Points from “Pins and Needles“ the Gaiety Revue.
A retrospective look at women’s fashions. “To begin with, Eve was simple in her dress - and exclusive.“ Curtains are opened on a stage. A man bows with open arms and a woman dressed in an outfit representing leaves parades around. “In Cleopatra’s time, the maiden favoured the crinoline.“ A woman comes on to the stage with hands held in a “Walk Like an Egyptian“ pose modelling a crinoline. “In 1400 they coy one’s fancy ran to this“ - a strange outfit is shown incorporating a double wimple!
“But, in 1776, hubby found her taste was more exacting - and expensive.“ Woman in elaborate costume walks towards the camera with arms outstretched. “In 1800 our old friend crinoline again turned up - likewise these sleeves.“ Another preposterous outfit is presented. This is shown in C/U against a black backdrop. “Eve of 1830, was a dashing maid“ - The outfits become ever more bizarre - a kind of one shouldered highwayman’s look with a fur trimmed ca