Dre Powell 2 AD

Press Release Following tradition Dre Powell choose a soft boot design also for his second pro skate. He completely redesigned the skin, chose suede leather and made it an integral part of the boot. The result is a clean look, minimal added weight and long durability. The first thing you will notice is a deep and solid sound when landing, which is due to a new shock and sound absorber in between the soul and the boot. Other new features are a new buckle receiver, pre-stretched waxed laces and a Jug liner specifically designed for Dre. The Dre 2 comes with the SL cuff which provides ultimate support and perfect flex and is loaded with branded parts such as GC’s Formula 1 XS frames and BHC wheels. Featuring NEW Suede soft top NEW pre-stretched, waxed laces SL cuff NEW buckle receiver GC F1 XS frame Jug Dre Powell liner BHC wheels ABEC 7 bearings
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