[GG] Not Alone \\ 【Vampire Knight】

♥ || Please enters and signature here to order a extra chapter of VK in which Zero and Yuuki are together and see how was their life together! || I realized this vid for a VKFansForum’s Contest ♥ This is a mmv full of hope! *-* Please rate and comment and let me know what you think! :) LINES’ TRANSLATION HERE Editor: Hit0mi84 Manga: Vampire Knight Song: Not Alone - Red Credit’s Song: CMA - You’re Free Opening Lines: - Quella persona ero io = That person.. was it me? - Come è successo? = How did it happened? - Cosa mi ha portato ad essere così? = What brought me to be like this? - Quando sono cambiato fino a questo punto? = When did I change so much? - Ho incontrato quella donna = I met that woman - che si è fatta strada tra le foglie di quella selva = who made her way through the leaves of that forest - come raggi del sole a mezzogiorno = like rays of sunlight. Closing Lines: - Mio caro amico = My dear friend - C’è
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