Counting Numbers | Numbers 1-10 lesson for children

Watch all of our videos ad free with our app (desktop, apple, or android): Only $ USD per month and $ USD for a year! “Counting Numbers 1-10“ is a part of a fun series of educational videos for kids. The first scene slowly introduces the numbers 1-10 by counting little chicks on the screen, first counting from 1-10, then counting backwards from 10-1. In the second scene, children repeat counting numbers 1-10 once more, this time with colorful balloons. Lastly, the video finishes with a fun number game where the children have to count the chicks on the screen! This video is the perfect supplement to our popular numbers song “Counting from 1-10“. It can be used as an introductory video before showing the numbers song. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel! We have more number songs: - Numbers song: 1-10
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