Anton Arensky : Egyptian Nights, ballet in one act Op. 50 (1900)
No. 1: Scène et danse de Coquetterie (Scene and Coquetry Dance)
No. 2: Entrée de Cléopatre (Entry of Cleopatra and Scene)
No. 3: Danse d’Arsinoé et des Esclaves (Dance of Arsinoë and the Slaves)
No. 4: Danse de Bérénice et Scène (Dance of Berenice and Scene)
No. 5: Scène d’empoisonnement (Poisoning Scene)
No. 6: Danse des Juives (Danse of the Jewish Girls)
No. 7: Danse des Égyptiennes (Dance of the Egyptian Girls)
No. 8: Charmeuse des Serpents : Deuxieme danse d’Arsinoé (Snake-Charmer: Second Dance of Arsinoë)
No. 9: Danse des Ghazies (Dance of the Ghazis) - Cadence de la harpe (Harp Cadenza)
No. 10: Pas de deux (Tempo di valse)
No. 11: Allegro moderato
No. 12: Entrée Solennelle d’Antoine (Solemn Entry of Antony)
No. 13: Finale.
Performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, with Alexander Avramenko and Vladimir Kolpashnikov (cello) conducted by Dmitry Yablonsky.
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