STEFAN “Hope“ (LIVE Acoustic) | Eesti Laul 2022

Eesti Laul 2022 singer Stefan performed his song “Hope“ live in an Estonian TV talk show “Hommik Anuga“. Enjoy his acoustic version of the song that is currently a favourite to represent Estonia in Eurovision 2022. Eesti Laul semi finals will take place in a few weeks and the final on 12. of February. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am currently doing the mandatory Estonian army service and will not post as often this ESC season. If I can, I will most likely post different rankings and TOP’s - videos where I don’t have to talk in front of the camera, which I naturally can’t do in the army. Thank you for your understanding and happy ESC 22! In the meantime; WATCH MY ESC SONG COVERS: WATCH MY REACTIONS TO ESC 21 SONGS: Follow me on Instagram!
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