The Chrism Mass for the Diocese of Superior from the Cathedral of Christ the King March 19, 2024
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Good day! A Blessed day to you! Welcome to the Diocese of Superior Chrism Mass from Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, Wisconsin. The holy oils will be blessed at this mass, and the priests of the Diocese will renew their ordination vows. Thank you for sharing this video on Facebook! You are evangelists, tellers of the Good News of Jesus by sharing it! Please indicate in the comments where you are watching this Mass from. Thank you! Don’t forget to say an Our Father and a Hail Mary every day about 12:00 noon local time for peace. Also, sometime during the day, say a Hail Mary for our priests. And pray the rosary every day!
2 weeks ago 00:03:00 18
Architects - “Brain Dead (feat. House of Protection)“