Typography for Developers Tutorial - Full Course

Typography is one of the most important aspects of good design. In this course, you’ll learn all you need to know about creating good typography as a UX Designer: how to choose a typeface; what to look for when laying out type, how to create typographic hierarchy, laying out type, and creating responsive typography. ✏️ This course was developed by Hope Armstrong. This course was made possible by a grant from ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ 👏 Thanks to JM G for creating these time codes. ⌨️ (0:00) Introduction: What is Typography? ⌨️ (4:11) Typography vs Lettering ⌨️ (4:58) Typeface vs Font ⌨️ (5:57) How Typography Affects User Experience (UX) ⌨️ (10:06) Elements of TypeFace ⌨️ (12:40) Serifs ⌨️ (13:20) Sans-serifs (Without serifs) ⌨️ (13:28) Letterform Contrast ⌨️ (13:54)
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