ASSASSINATION! - Enhanced Smolensk Russia crash site video (w/ English & Polish translations)
This is an enhanced version of the “shots fired“ amateur video taken in the aftermath of the Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash that occurred on 10 April 2010 as much of Poland’s military and political high command, including Polish president Lech Kaczyński and his wife, were flying into Smolensk to attend a commemoration service of the Katyn Forest massacre of Polish officials by Russia during the second world war.
Russian troops can been seen shooting apparent survivors.
The video was enhanced, analyzed and translated at a Facebook group setup to investigate the highly suspicious circumstances of the Smolensk crash:
The English translation annotations are drawn from the Polish text and an interpretation of the audio from a Russian-speaking friend.
To understand WHY Russia effectively assassinated the Polish high command, visit my blog to learn the diabolical crime against humanity the Kremlin is pursuing: