I Tried Viral TikTok Air Fryer Recipes… These Are Genius!

Welcome back to my channel! Today we’re testing more of the never-ending TikTok recipes. This time we’re focusing on Air Fryer recipes! Some of these are... not it. Which recipes should I veganize next?! ↓ TRY MY UP-TO-DATE VEGAN RECIPES↓ 🌱 My Newest Vegan Recipes: ↓ Buy The Herbaland x EdgyVeg VEGAN ESSENTIALS Bundle ↓ 🇨🇦 Canadian: 🇺🇸 US: Use code “EDGYVEG20“ for 20% off NEW VIDEOS every Thursday at 4PM! 👉🏻 SUBSCRIBE for New Videos Here: 👀 Watch More Videos Here: 📙 BUY MY COOKBOOK: ↓ GET MY VEGAN COOKBOOK ↓ 🇺🇸 Amazon USA: 🇨🇦 Amazon Canada: 🇬🇧 Amazon UK: Barnes & Noble:
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