Ajna. Meditation on the opening of the sixth chakra. Аджна. Медитация на раскрытие шестой чакры

The ajna chakra is located between the eyes just above the eyebrows and is sometimes called the third eye, its color is blue. Ajna is responsible for comprehension of new knowledge, purification of consciousness, transformation of personality, visualization and materialization of desires, mental activity. People with a developed sixth chakra always achieve their goals, they are collected, calm, have high intelligence and intuition. The lack of energy in the sixth chakra area does not allow people to achieve their goals and turns their life into a routine, since everything they do never ends with anything good. On the physical level, problems with the sixth chakra also do not bode well. As a rule, these are problems with vision, hearing, headaches, depression. If you have problems in these aspects, start working on the sixth chakra. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes, concentrate on the area between your eyes and soon you will feel the flow of energy. This is the Ajna chakra. Keep medi
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