Siberian Meat Grinder - 7 Reasons To Attend Our Euro Tour
7 reasons to not sleep on our Euro-Tour: from a pizza cutter to the throat to drill to the brain! Friendly reminder from BearFace himself.
. Warsaw - Pogłos (PL)
. Wroclaw - Spring Forward (PL)
. Prague - Rock Cafe (CZE)
. Berlin - Cassiopeia (GER)
. Hamburg - Monkeys (GER)
. Augsburg - Ballonfabrik (GER)
. Geneva - l’Usine (CHE)
. Solothurn - Kofmehl (CHE)
. Lindau - Club Vaudeville (GER)
. Karlsruhe - JUBEZ (GER)
Moscow - GOROD (RUS)