Tales of Zestiria PS4 - English Walkthrough Part 1 - Prologue & Review
Tales of Zestiria PS4 1080P Gameplay Walkthrough in English Dub & Subtitles.
Tales of Zestiria English Language Gameplay showing you all cutscenes,opening, all main bosses, all main quests, all characters, all cutscenes and the best ending in the game.
Watch me play through the first Tales game on the PS4 and discover the story of Zestiria with me!
Tales of Zestiria Review
The game let’s you play as Sorey, a young man who is raised in a small village in the mountain in the seraphin realm.
The new battle system will be familliar to Tales fans and it’s easy to adapt to the battle system, it’s not as complicated as all those long tutorials make you think it will be, I found myself enjoying the game a lot throughout my 25 Hours playthrough of the game, there will be a lot moments where you will see the game clearly shines and gives you an epic feeling of achievement once you reach these points, I would say that the pacing of the story is a little slow, the character development is deep but a lot conversations do seem to take place in the “codec“ system of Zestiria, so keep an eye out for those conversations for a deeper character story.
The battle system is great, simple yet deep at the same time, Armatization is a great way to take advantage of your party, elements and weaknesses will play a huge role in this game, taking advantage of every element and party member is a must, unless you’re crazy overleveled. Mystic Artes are amazing as always, pulling them off will deal a lot damage, these special attacks will use BG points which are also required for Armatization, the decision on how to use these points is up to you, the player.
The story of Zestiria is interesting, it’s not the best I’ve seen but it’s still an interesting story which I will not spoil for you, only give you a brief of it. Sorey embargs on a journey to the human world to find Alisha, however the events which happen cause Sorey to become The Shepard, a vessel for Lailah, a seraph, this allows Sorey to see the world around him for what it really is, all the evil slowly growing in human hearts which turns them into hellios. Sorey is tasked to find the Lord of this evil and put an end to him.
Zestiria offers a whole variety of content, from tons of Side quests, special monsters, hidden dungeons, items and more, all this shapes one of the best Tales game in the series, the characters sometimes ask the same questions the player would, which is really amazing and makes the player relate to the party. There are a few issues with the story being inconsistent, Alisha is forgotten after the first 1/3 of the game and is barely mentioned, Alisha being the second main character in the game, it kind of makes me upset to see her go just when I was starting to get used to her, that being said, she is later replaced by Rose, Rose is a more fun character to be around than Alisha, but regardless of that, the inconsistence of the story is still there with Alisha simply being forgotten by the party and being mentioned once here and there.
So what do I think about the game in short?
Some boss battles are truly epic and will not be forgotten any time soon, the dungeons are quite boring and too simple but the bosses make up a lot in the end, every Tales fan should get this game, if you’re into JRPGs then you will love Zestiria.
Overall Rating
Good Story
Great Battle System
Ton of Content
Good Characters
- Boring Dungeons
- Camera Issues
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