200 Kids Sing A Cappella Style | You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban

The most inspiring cover of You Raise Me Up you’ve ever seen! Join us on Patreon: This song is on all the digital platforms! Grab yours today! I am at a complete loss after seeing what happened last night in new zealand. I cannot unsee the live video that I accidentally stumbled upon.... I will never comprehend the hate and anger in these horrendous acts of violence. I will never accept them, We are all humans. We are all light and love belongs here. Sitting here with tears streaming down my face watching these young kids singing with all their hearts brings me hope for the future. I have two young children... and I need to believe that they will be safe, that they will be brought into a world that believes in love and peace and equality. I vow to you, and the world that I will live my life promoting love and goodness and bring as much light into this world that I possibly can... for my family, for the hollensfamily
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