UNITED! 70+ FMA Practitioners Flow Together: The Global Karenza Project [ONGOING]

In a system notoriously divided, we find ourselves in times when the call for unity becomes undeniable. This is dedicated to everyone in our collective experience as we battle through COVID19 Coronavirus --- against all odds, we are TOGETHER! If you are watching this prior to Apri 2, encourage you to perform a Karenza and submit your :30 second video to PTIAcademy@ What exactly is a Karenza? It is simply a free a kata, without all the rules. Pick up a stick or any weapon and “shadow box“ with you have a Karenza. There is no wrong way to do it. Follow Aperture on Facebook: Exclusive Videos and Fight Gear: Follow the Aperture Production Guy! GN: _____________________________________________________________________ All of our videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please do not try
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