Hey guys :)
Sorry for not being active these days but I was at my parents house for a week !
So, I’m back home again and continue with the videos for your wishlists.
This is for my dear DesiredxWishes.
Shauna, you are an amazing vidder, a great person and I love talking to you :)
Offcourse when I learned that you are a Klaroline fan I had to vid them for you.
Hope you have your best Christmas ever this year ! Much love !
I wanted to vid their story but when I make Klaroline videos always turned out to b
1 week ago 00:06:21 10
Euro Globalistien pirullinen juoni onnistui estämääm Ukrainan sodan rauhan... järkyttävää toimintaa
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Diez Me - Na kombo na nga
2 weeks ago 00:01:17 1
Санта Клаус играет на гитаре рок-н-ролл.
3 weeks ago 00:04:59 1
🔥🗳️ Vote patriote du peuple : panique à Bruxelles !