This has been a lot of recent crossfit training footage but we are also going to be brining you more accessory work as well.
Over 8 years of training and competing at the CrossFit Games, we learned how important Bodybuilding and Accessory work is to developing muscle mass and breaking strength plateaus. Adding this style of training in is not a beat down on the body, but is instead regenerative and supports long term training.
Just because you like to prioritize your fitness doesn’t mean you can’t also work on your aesthetics. Bodybuilding and Accessory work is the perfect way to sculpt and build your body to look the way you want. At the same time systematically you will work to balance out the large muscle groups 1 by 1 and strengthen the smaller ones to help you stay healthy and injury resistant.
Train smarter, Not harder - Look Better, Get stronger and Bullet Proof your Body