Lady Gaga keeps her eyes shut during press conference
(25 Jun 2011) SHOTLIST
AP Entertainment
Makuhari Messe - Chiba, Japan - 25 June
1. Wide shot of Lady Gaga in a news conference at the MTV Music Video Aid Award and posing for the photographers
2. Cutaway of photographers
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Lady Gaga, performer:
“I would say to all of you a huge thank you, a giant I love you. I didn’t come from very much. I had to struggle and fight to become the woman that I am today and to become the artist that I am today. To be able to connect with people all over the world, I had to fight for my identity, and fight for my dream. So, I hope that tonight, what you take away from that performance is never give up on the dream of Japan, never give up on the dream of its people, and never give up on the dream of the future. Thank you.“
4. Close up of shoes, panning up to Lady Gaga throwing a kiss
5. Close up of Lady Gaga
(English) Lady Gaga
“I love the fans here so much. They'