Alexs Beloved Land

What beauty did the Father create in a moment of inspiration! Dear Earth! There is no such planet in the whole universe! With Love, he created it with an incredible speed of thought, Seas and mountains, animals, birds, insects and wonderful sunrises. Oh, Mother Earth! You are a cradle for your children, You rush swiftly together with the Sun along the Milky Way, You shine like a sapphire among the night fires of stars. There is no one more wonderful than you in the whole galaxy! How much unexplored and undisclosed you hide in yourself... In every blade of grass and dewdrop - the thoughts of God, You speak to me gently with the rustle of leaves and the murmur of streams. You, my dear, are in me! And I am in you! My road leads to you. Only on you, my dear, I create the Space of Love, I caress you in the spring with my tender hands, I sow seeds in you, I plant new trees and shrubs in you, You revive my flesh, as a mother feeds a
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