Todd Love is a USMC veteran who lost both of his legs and his left hand to an IED in Afghanistan, who’s determined to not let that get in the way of ANYTHING (Watch Todd’s story: ). He has been surfing, skiing, scuba diving, wrestling alligators, and now learning to skydive. After completing his first tandem skydive with Mike Elliott into the start of the XTERRA Trail Run World Championship in Hawaii he was hooked! And since “impossible“ and “can’t“ are not part of Todd’s vocabulary
3 months ago 01:06:55 1
Вся Суть Андрея Смаева / Большой Разбор
5 months ago 00:10:02 1
Токаев начал скакать «на граблях»! США уже готовят переворот в Казахстане!
5 months ago 00:44:06 1
ЗАПРЕТ «ПРОПАГАНДЫ» ЧАЙЛДФРИ: правдивая книга #щастьематеринства под угрозой? Обзор на книгу
5 months ago 01:01:34 1
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