2 minutes ago! Hailstorm the size of a large brick in the Kaaba! Apocalypse in Mecca!

In an extraordinary climatic event, the city of Mecca witnessed a sudden and intense hail storm, transforming the usually arid landscape into a white blanket. This rare meteorological phenomenon caught the residents and pilgrims in the holy city by surprise, as hailstones, some the size of small marbles, descended upon the Grand Mosque and its surroundings. The Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam, stood resilient amidst the storm, offering a striking image against the icy backdrop. The contrast was profound: the black silk-clad structure, adorned with gold-embroidered calligraphy, enveloped in white hailstones, presented a sight that many described as awe-inspiring. Worshipers, undeterred by the weather, continued their rituals, some pausing to capture this unusual moment with their phones. Meteorologists have attributed this unusual weather to a sudden drop in temperature across the region, combined with moisture-laden winds. Hailstorms, while rare in desert regions like Mecca, are not unheard of. However, the intensity and duration of this storm were unusual, raising concerns and curiosity among locals and scientists alike. The authorities in Mecca were swift in their response, deploying emergency services to ensure the safety of residents and the millions of pilgrims who visit the city. The Saudi Arabian weather service issued warnings and advised caution, especially for those in the vicinity of the Grand Mosque.
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