Batman Arkham Knight - Brutality 101 Trophy / Achievement Guide (15 Combat Moves in One Freeflow)
Batman Arkham Knight - Brutality 101 - Perform 15 different combat moves in one FreeFlow. [Bronze / 5G]
There are 27 available combat moves. Do any 15 of them in one combo (without the combo multiplier breaking). It works best in the AR combat challenge “Batman & Nightwing“. You must play through the story first to obtain certain gadgets and it’s highly recommended to buy all combat skills that unlock new moves. Keep in mind that the special moves require a full combo meter.
List of all moves (first 15 are from this video, rest is optional):
#1 - Batclaw Slam - PS4: L2 Triangle, Square // Xbox: LT Y, X
#2 - Counter - PS4: Triangle // Xbox: Y
#3 - Electrical Charge - PS4: L2 Circle // Xbox: LT B
#4 - Redirect (Jump) - PS4: Left Stick X, X // Xbox: Left Stick A, A
#5 - Quick Explosive Gel - PS4: L2 Square // Xbox: LT X
#6 - Strike - PS4: Square // Xbox: X
#7 - Special Combo Takedown - PS4: Circle Triangle // Xbox: B Y
#8 - Environmental Takedown - PS4: X Square // Xbox: A X
#9 - Quick Batarang - PS4: L2 // Xbox: LT
#10 - Beat Down - PS4: Circle, Square, Square, Square // Xbox: B, X, X, X
#11 - Cape Stun - PS4: Circle // Xbox: B
#12 - Super Stun - PS4: Circle, Circle, Circle // Xbox: B, B, B
#13 - Special Combo Batarang - PS4: Hold L2 // Xbox: Hold LT
#14 - Ground Takedown - PS4: L2 Triangle // Xbox: LT Y
#15 - Aerial Attack - PS4: Circle, X, X // Xbox: B, A, A
#16 - Special Combo Explosive Gel - PS4: Hold L2 Square // Xbox: Hold LT X
#17 - Special Combo Remote Electrical Charge - PS4: Hold L2 Circle // Xbox: Hold LT B
#18 - Special Combo Batclaw - PS4: Hold L2 Triangle // Xbox: Hold LT Y
#19 - Special Combo Multi Ground Takedown - PS4: X Circle // Xbox: A B
#20 - Special Combo Disarm and Destroy - PS4: Square Triangle // Xbox: X Y
#21 - Blade Dodge Takedown - PS4: Left Stick, Hold & Release Triangle // Xbox: Left Stick, Hold & Release Y
#22 - Aerial Juggle - PS4: Circle, Circle, Circle, Square // Xbox: B, B, B, X
#23 - Batclaw Super Stun - PS4: L2 Triangle, Circle // Xbox: LT Y, B
#24 - Charged Super Stun - PS4: Hold Circle // Xbox: Hold B
#25 - Batmobile Assisted Takedown - PS4: X Square // Xbox: A X
#26 - Combat Pick Up - PS4: R2 Circle // Xbox: RT B
#27 - Tag Team Takedown - PS4: L1 // Xbox: LB
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Batman: Arkham Knight Trophies and Achievements:
A Leap of Faith
Complete 8 different jumps over 100 meters.
Achieve 69 Stars in AR Challenges.
Angel in the Dark
Complete the trials and prove you are a worthy successor.
Blunt Trauma
Perform every type of predator takedown.
Brutality 101
Perform 15 different combat moves in one FreeFlow.
Choice of Weapons
Use all five Batmobile weapons successfully in one tank battle.
Cycle of Violence
Use 100 Quick Gadgets while in free flow combat.
Death by Design
Obtain a key by completing the seventh Riddler trial.
Death of Innocents
Rescue station 17 fire crew.
Dirty Tricks
Achieve 3 minutes of drifting time in the Batmobile.
Gates of Gotham
Destroy all of the militia watchtowers.
Gotham After Midnight
Glide for 400 meters while less than 20 meters from the ground.
Gotham Underground
Defuse all of the militia explosive ordinance in Gotham City.
Initiate Knightfall Protocol.
Lethal Pursuits
Obtain a key by completing the ninth Riddler trial.
Nine Lives
Obtain a key by completing the last Riddler trial.
Pieces of the Puzzle
Obtain a key by completing the second Riddler trial.
Point of Impact
Perform 5 perfect shots in a row with the Vulcan Gun without taking damage.
Riddle Me That
Lock up the Riddler in GCPD.
Riddler on the Rampage
Obtain a key by completing the fourth Riddler trial.
Run Through the Jungle
Fly under 3 main bridges between the islands in one continuous glide.
Savage Metal
Smash 10 militia transport vehicles off the road without using the immobilizer.
Scar of the Bat
Cure the doctor.
Seduction of the Gun
Achieve 50 critical shots on light tanks.
Streets of Gotham
Destroy all of the militia checkpoints.
The Burning Question
Obtain a key by completing the fifth Riddler trial.
The Cat and the Bat
Obtain a key by completing the third Riddler trial.
The Cult
Save the sacrificial victim and lock up the executioner in GCPD.
The Frequency of Fear
Scan Gotham City to pinpoint Scarecrow’s location.
The Monster Machine
Track down and apprehend the serial killer.
The Primal Riddle
Obtain a key by completing the sixth Riddler trial.
The Real Deal
Takedown 20 moving cars without using the Batmobile.
The Riddle Factory
Obtain a key by completing the eighth Riddler trial.
The Road Home
Destroy all of the militia APC’s.
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2 months ago 02:39:44 2