Labour Party Conference (1949)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. Cuts from newsreel 49/47 - Labour Party Conference in Blackpool, Lancashire. General view interior looking towards platform. M/S of Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Secretary of the Labour Party Morgan Phillips on platform. M/S of Jim Griffiths, Chairman, introducing Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, who rises to speak amid applause. M/S of Bevin speaking. He says that four years before when he addressed the conference he never dreamt he would become Foreign Secretary. He refers to convertibility of the pound and its failure being due to the fact that the world was unable to agree. He also refers to Atlantic Pact, the veto, the common policy of peace of the British Commonwealth. (Transcription of entire speech on file.) General view of conference applauding and cheering. Note: picture becomes pixilated between 01:03:28 and 01:04:01, again at 01:05:10 to 01:05:17. Problem on digibeta tape - will be redone
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