Vineyard UK - Glorious Life (Live)

GLORIOUS LIFE You find me with one glance Led me out from darkness, washed away my past Forgiven now I stand With You there is a promise of hope that always lasts You’re the reason I get down on my knees And the reason my heart sings Your praise Through grace You’ve given liberty Your mercy flowing over me From darkness into glorious life Your hand has come to rescue me And showed me who I’m meant to be In Jesus there is glorious life You’re with me as I wake I leave my bed to follow You, face another day With You there is no hate Your Love it does a better job, shows a better way CCLI no.: 5083079 © 2007 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) International Copyright secured. All rights reserved. Used by permission. To reproduce this music setting for church usage, both a Church Copyright License and a Music Reproduction License are required. To obtain a license or for further informat
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