over double the damage of full counterstrike.
rating: optimal (5/5)
damage: 1351 (rare: 1621 | epic: 1891 | legendary: 2162)
if both jumping horizontal strikes don’t hit, look to the slight left of opponent.
hold left or right when landing to cancel end of landing animation
combo string: (p) H c.V j.H H H f.H/V
V vertical
H horizontal
H/V horizontal or vertical
j. jumping
c. crouching
s. sliding
r. running
w. walking
f. focus
(j) jump
(g) grapple
(p) parry
(cc) crouch cancel
(hd) hold dodge
(td) tap dodge
(ws) weapon swap
(ss) sheath cancel
recorded at ~120 fps and ~60 ms
slowmotion is
damage table:
tags: #naraka #narakabladepoint #永劫无间